At the end of this period, there is no actual catch-up period, but companies must document the introduction of all products received under the agreement, as these quantities determine the number of licences they will receive at the end of the ULA. The article uses this example, as a shop tried to get an unlimited license for external users, and the article cites this as a case where “unlimited” didn`t really mean “unlimited”! If you think Oracle ULA`s entry is a guaranteed way to reduce the need to actively manage your Oracle estate and license, think again. If you want to take advantage of the potential cost and management savings associated with an Oracle ULA, you need to consider the cost of a program to manage the investment. Many super large shop (state governments, defense contractors) will negotiate an “all you can eat” unlimited licensing contracts (ULA) for Oracle. These multi-million dollar contracts offer the taker unlimited use of Oracle software. Recommendation: You must have someone on your team who has experience in reading ULA contracts. If you do, they will easily see one of these contractual risks and identify it for you. If there is a risk, you can do a joint impact analysis and develop a management strategy. You can do whatever it takes with the license, count all your processors correctly, but if you misunderstood your ULA contract, they can still use millions of euros, pounds or dollars in financial risk. No wonder Oracle didn`t react to this nonsense. Don`t believe the exaggeration here.
Oracle offers big offers for an unlimited license, and while the article says that language is a problem, only an idiot would negotiate an Oracle license agreement without involving its corporate lawyer. Because of the nature of the agreement, organizations often believe that they can consume as much Oracle software in the ULA as they require. Because if the licenses are “unlimited” and the bill is paid, there`s nothing to worry about, is there? “Oracle stores could run into problems after the agreement was signed, because they didn`t notice some of the contract restrictions or because the wording wasn`t accurate enough. The restrictions of an ULA are subject to the terms of the agreement. Some ULA clauses relate to products and uses, while others refer to your organization or the concept of ULA. When your ULA expires, you have two options: you can certify and report your use on Oracle, or you can extend your ULA for a new period of three years (or more). The question of whether an Oracle ULA actually has an overall advantage has been controversial. The benefits of ULA are cost savings, comfort and simplicity.
Agreements work best for companies that expect growth through normal operations rather than through mergers and acquisitions. Oracle stores can group a number of Oracle products under one agreement and one invoice, instead of a mix of complex licensing agreements for each product. Suppliers are increasingly offering their customers unlimited and much-reduced licensing agreements (ESAs). It is often a matter of addressing the commercial growth of the customer in a contractual and operational way. But that`s not the only reason.