This section describes the three (3) types of portal user accounts offered portal users. One of these accounts to be assigned to a single user is determined in accordance with Schedule A, in accordance with this agreement, based on their professional suitability or professional title. From time to time, Ontario MAY, at your own discretion, provide you with specific software for downloading to the site (the “downloadable software”). All downloadable software is clearly identified as such by OntarioTM. OntarioTM may require you to agree to certain additional conditions specific to the use of the downloadable software before downloading them. If you are not required to accept other terms of a specific license agreement for this downloadable software before you can download it, your use of this downloadable software is subject to the terms of this Agreement, as if it were non-software content, and you can use this downloadable software exclusively in connection with the Site. You cannot re-distribute, sell, decompilate, recompil, recompil or disassemble downloadable software that OntarioTM has expressly made available on the website or that has expressly made it available in connection with the site. (3) You must keep your login data safe and use login data only personally as a registered user of your myQAP account. You agree: EMR Vendor and EMR Vendor User are a unique class of user accounts created by Ontario portal administrators to allow creditors to access the portal. These are PAH or SU accounts that are subject to the same conditions as all other user accounts in the portal. 4.1 RCPAQAP makes reasonable efforts to ensure the security of the portal. OntarioTM reserves the right to change this schedule from time to time, including adding terms, deleting or other changes to the “classification diagram.” HTH is responsible at all times for ensuring compliance with this schedule and for being too aware of changes in the ranking chart that influence the use of the portal by it or by all users working under its authority.
17. IRS Bulletin 230 Disclosure. In order to ensure compliance with the requirements imposed by the U.S. Treasury Department on June 20, 2005, the Registry informs you that any tax advice (including potential seizures) that was used in the portal was not intended to be used and was not intended to avoid tax penalties or 2) promotion, marketing or recommendation to another party that was the subject of that disclosure. Organizations need to be aware of the expectations expressed in user agreements and take the time to understand the constraints that all users and software vendors must meet for the benefit of all users and stakeholders. To access your portal, you will receive a username and password. You should take steps to preserve and preserve the privacy of your portal-related username and password. You agree not to share or share your username or password with third parties or to use your username or password for unauthorized purposes.